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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our customers' questions.

Use and mode of operation

Can Nostic’s software be integrated into existing dental practice systems?

Yes, the software can be integrated into the most common dental practice software solutions. If Nostic’s software is not supported by your systems, you can use stand-alone version.

How much time does the software need to process the data?

The time required is influenced by various factors. Most of the times, the software needs less than 10 seconds.

Data Protection

Is patient data transmitted to Nostic?

Yes. But only non-personally identifying data that is required for the respective processing is transmitted. The data is transmitted encrypted and in anonymized form.

How long is the data stored?

Legislation and our profession’s code of ethics require that we keep the data and the results of our software for at least 20 years. Moreover, we save the results in anonymous and encrypted form.

Where is the data processed?

The data is processed in Switzerland and in the EU.


What can I do if I receive an error message?

In the event that you receive an error message, please contact our support team. You can reach us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at +41 55 420 20 01. If possible, please provide our support team with the exact wording of the error message. This will allow us to better identify the cause of the error and rectify it more quickly.